Grant Writing 101, Roadmap to Successful Grant Proposals Replay


Special Announcement:

The Intro Grant Writing Workshop dives deeper into each area we covered in the webinar. Join through May 21st to get:

  • Comprehensive video instruction ($5,000 value)
  • Templates and a workbook to guide your work ($2,000 value)
  • 4 Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) credits
  • A live group call to answer your questions, once a month for four months ($2,000 value)
  • A community feed available every weekday to ask your grant questions for four months ($2,000 value)
  • A year in the Fundraising League ($697)
  • Course access to the Sponsorship Guide, Giving Day Jumpstart, Intro to Grant Research Workshop and the Letter of Inquiry Mini Course ($430 value)


Total value over $12,000 for $697 $497 until May 21st.


I hope to see you in the workshop! 


*The discount is only available on the pay in full option. A payment plan is available for $67/mo with 12 monthly payments.